We all know things like a female sheep are called ewes and the male is a ram. Or that sheep have split tongues and no upper teeth. But did you know…
- Sheep have best friends.
- Before being domesticated, sheep shed their own fleece.
- Sheep were domesticated during the Stone Age about 6,000 years ago.
- All sheep come from what is today Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.
- Bighorn sheep traveled the land bridge between Russia and Alaska about 600,000 years ago.
- Sheep’s wool has been the most important fiber for nearly 10,000 years.
- Sheep can adapt to their environment.
- There are about 900 breed of sheep in the world.
- Just like human hair, wool grows from a follicle.
- Crimp, the ripple in wool, is unique to wool fibers.
- The Dead Sea Scrolls were written on parchment made from sheep skin.
- Sheep skin can carry water, oil, and wine.
- George Washington raised sheep on his Mount Vernon estate.
- One year’s growth of fleece is about eight pounds of wool.
- The life expectancy of a sheep is 6-11 years.
- Rams symbolize virility and power.
- Sheep have two digits on their feet.
- In some countries, sheep are used for fighting as part of celebrations.
- One pound of wool can make ten miles of yarn.
It takes eleven sheep intestines to string one tennis racquet.
- Texas has the largest population of sheep in the U.S.; China is the top country.
- Sheep can be milked just like cows. The milk is used to make gourmet cheeses.
- A one-year-old sheep is called a hogget; a two-year-old sheep is called a two-tooth.
- Sheep have good memories and can recognize fifty other sheep plus human faces.
- Sheep have excellent peripheral vision; they can see around 300° without turning their head.
- Christopher Columbus came from a family of wool traders. Spain’s wool trade financed his voyage to the New World.
- King George III of England banned the export of sheep to American in the 17th century which was part of the reason for the American Revolution.
- On the Chinese Zodiac, sheep represent righteousness, sincerity, gentleness and compassion.
- Sheep show emotions by the position of their ears and by the different sounds they make.
- Sheep will eat particular plants when ill as a form of self medication.
- Sheep have appeared on bank notes.
- Ancient Egyptians revered sheep and had them mummified after death.